Here's part of the
Laramie Church of Christ
Bulletin from May 29, 2005. Note the highlighted section.
May 29, 2005
Congratulations to Jared Sanchez, Russell Martin, and Heather Urban upon the completion of their high school education. Each of these celebrated their commencement exercises last week. We are very proud of them and look forward with optimism as these three young adults continue their journeys through life.
AI and Laura Jones will be Traveling to Nigeria in July to provide medical and spiritual service to needy souls in that country. They shall be taking Bibles, medicine, paper and writing utensils, and printed gospel materials (things which Nigerians can't get in their country). Our Benevolence Collection on June 5th will be dedicated to this cause. If you would like to contribute to this
mission effort, you may do so during the benevolent collection on
June 5th, or you may give donations to AI Jones through the middle of June. Items must be purchased well in advance of their departure.
Do stop by the bulletin board in the foyer to read the beautiful announcement which invites you to attend the Wedding Ceremony for Samantha Brumfield and Greq Wallace. The date for their wedding has been set for 2:00 pm, July 2nd,here at the church building. Every member of the congregation is cordially invited to attend.
We have received a beautiful Wedding Announcement from the Grossi family in Lincoln, Nebraska, proclaiming the up-coming wedding of Alicia Marie Grossi to Christopher Lee Boyoung Krotz on July 30th. That announcement has been posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.
We expect Joe and Jon and David to arrive back in Laramie sometime tomorrow. There will probably be a number of other Memorial Day travelers returning as well. Remember Them in Your Prayers, as well as Ted Jensen and Lee Sullivan.
Application forms for Wyoming Bible Camp have arrived and are available in the foyer.
Your elders meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. If you need to visit with any of them individually, or with the group as a whole, be sure to mention your desire to one of them at your convenience. They are: Lee Brown, Owen
Phillips, Jeff Wallace, & Wayne Warren.
May 22 Lord's Day Record 2005
Attendance ..116Contribution .. ..$1430.33
May 15-21 Bible Reading Schedule: 2005
S Ps 9-13 M Ps 14-16 T Ps 17-19 W Ps 20-22 T Ps 23-25 F Ps 26-28 S Ps 29-31