Cruise 5-18-13

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Here are the 2013 spring cruise pics featuring captions by Captain Mike and  snark by First Mate Bill.

At the docks


Before the cruise


Ann Marie and Karen


Ebony brings goodies aboard.


Judith and Ann Marie


Karen T and TJ


Captain Mark


Bill the First Mate Flasher


Vicky and Jose


Nest by the rear of the boat


And somebody's sitting on that nest


Mingling in the living room


Mingling in the living room


Mingling in the living room


Mingling in the living room


Mingling in the living room


Mingling in the living room


Mingling in the living room


So Bill, why is everybody mingling in the living room?  Bill says, "Baby, it's cold outside."


But Jerry: It's empty!


Sasha, Shelley, Diane and Sue


Michael does his pre-cruise safety briefing


This is fascinating stuff.  People are hanging on his every word.


"I'm standing on the life preservers.  If the boat starts to sink, just shove me aside, raise the hatch, and try to find something that fits."


Are people losing interest in this?


Nope.  They're just hoping he finishes soon so they can go back to mingling in the living room.


Captain Mike continues to brief, if that's the right word.


Suddenly something interesting happens.


And then there's more briefing.


We're almost ready to be safe.


Ahh.  Glenn and Karen are safe at last.


Meanwhile, Karen, Sue and Judith are trying to stay warm.  Looks like they'll be mingling in the living room soon.


Captain Mike is pleased that everybody is safe.


Sasha, Judith and Diane


Shaquita and Jose


Sue and Karen are chilling.  Literally.


Captain Mike makes a point.


Sunga and Tim


TJ, Karen and Glenn are enjoying the view.


Jerry stays warm.


Bill and Joyce


Ann Marie, Sasha and Judith


Mount Vernon.  See George and Martha up there?


Under the bridge to Old Town Alexandria


There are signs under the bridge


And there's an underside to the bridge


Hey look!  It's the Alexandria Water Taxi!


Pleasant, quick way to get from Alexandria to National Harbor.  And back.


Another water taxi.  It's beginning to feel like Venice around here.


Karen P and Glen


Ebony says, "Life is good."  Especially when she's mingling in the living room. 


Glenn and Vicky and Karen


Intrepid sailors Michael and Shelley, the proud boat owners


Fishing on the river


Glenn and Karen P are up the river.


Lone sailboat


The only person on the upper deck is Captain Mark.  Must be raining.


Port side looking upriver


Shaquita and Mike


TJ and Vicky


Sunga is inside where it's warm.


Churning the Potomac as we forge upstream.


Jerry's on the back porch.   Is that a stern look?


Fort Belvoir from the river


Fort Washington from the river


Fireboat on the way to...something.


Just sailing upriver.


And making good time.


American Legion Memorial Bridge, Washington, DC


We must be near National Airport


National Harbor, too.


This is the I-495 bridge.


This is the dinner cruise ship that docks at the DC Waterfront.


Our caped crusader.


Paddle wheeler at Old Town


Old Town Alexandria with that Masonic Temple thing in the background.


Naval Research Laboratory.  I wonder what they're pointing at today?


The Naval Research Laboratory's got some balls.


Anne Marie and Shelley.


Can we fit under?


Following DC traffic.


Seriously, can we make it under that thing?


Starboard, looking upriver.


Metrorail crosses the river.


There's the ol' Washington Monument!


Will that Metrorail train ever get across the river?


That old bridge used to pirouette, but now it's just a boring old train track.


There's the Washington Monument again.  Does it look blurry to you?  Well, squint.


And if you squint now, you can see the U.S. Capitol.


Shelley's on deck.


And now she's joined by Diane and Joyce.


There's that used-to-rotate bridge again.


Time for pictures up top.


Bill's seen the Potomac from DC plenty of times, but this is the first time he's seen DC from the Potomac.


The tourists take it all in.


And then they run back downstairs to mingle in the living room.


Going home now.


Jose is checking the height of the bridge.  Bill is wondering if it's time to go downstairs and put on some long pants.


National Defense University on the right, with the Capitol in the background.  No squinting required this time.


It's National Airport!


It's the Washington Monument!


It's that same swivelly bridge.


That poor train is never going to get across this river.


OK, seriously folks, do we need another picture of this bridge?


Jose says no.


Sheila and Jerry share a Kodak moment.


Karen on the fantail.


National Harbor.  Again.


Sasha on the stern.


Sue and Diane and that same old bridge.


Sue and Diane and a better view of that same old bridge.


Tim and Sunga and a different bridge!


Same Tim and Sunga and the same different bridge.


Vicky at the stern and not a bridge in sight!


Shelley is happy and Joyce is thinking about going inside to mingle in the living room.


Sunga on the front porch.  Take a bow, Sunga!


Sue and Diane and OMG we're back at that same old bridge!  How'd that happen?


House in Belmont Bay.  This is much better.


TJ and Captain Mark


Hey, Tim!


Party's over.


Party's still over.  It's been a great cruise!  Now go home, everybody.



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