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Oh no! It's the last day of Disney World. We've seen all four of the parks and now all that's left is Typhoon Lagoon. Hope we don't get hit by a tidal wave.

Say goodbye to the African savanna.


And the weird animals we can see from our deck.


LYou don't see these much in Tennessee.


Let's go swimmin'. Joe, seriously, are you feeling OK?


There it is: Typhoon Lagoon, one of two Disney water parks, but the other one is closed for maintenance.


It's hot.  Let's get wet.


The water is right down here somewhere.


Rocky is ready.


In fact, everybody appears ready, even Joe.


So there I was, getting used to the water, enjoying the place, and then the screaming started.


What happened?


Where am I?


Was that a locomotive?


Do I have to get up?


Can't I just stay here?


Tell me it's not coming again.


Actually, it appears to be coming again.


Help, Rocky!


Really, Bill, you've got to stop making such a big deal about the waves.


Let's try something more relaxing.  They call this Castaway Creek and all you have to do is grab an empty floatation device and struggle to get your butt stuck in the middle and then you can just float round and round the property all day if you want to.


There they go.  Lazy river floaters.  This was great.


Lunch was nice.  At least there was shade.


But not out here in our chairs.


Rocky is practicing to see how long he can stay under.


Somebody said Miss Adventure Falls would be fun.


So we joined a line which didn't move because the ride had quit working and we could see all those people stuck on the conveyor belt and it kept getting hotter and Bill considered bailing.  Boy, he's glad he didn't.


Because the line started moving again.


Joe, you're sick, aren't you? Admit it.


No time for that.  We're about to board our round rubber raft.


Rocky is preparing somehow. Actually I don't know what he is doing.


Finally we got it all together. Come along with us over the Miss Adventure Falls!


That was fun, wasn't it?


The sun is hot and so is Bill and just this once he has decided to leave everybody behind and head back to the hotel. 


Bye Typhoon Lagoon.


Bye monster waves.


Let the youngsters get a sunburn.


Poor Joe.


Is he a cool kid or what?


But even Rocky has to quit eventually.


Meanwhile Bill has returned to the hotel.


Where he is delighted to find the cleaning staff has left special treats around our rooms on the last day. They've decorated Bill's bed with robots.


They've made a Mickey out of towels.


So let's take a last look at our living quarters before we have to leave in the morning.


Here's the kitchen with a special arrangement of cleaning supplies on the stovetop.  You explain that; I can't.


That's the deck out there.


And they've thoughtfully set yesterday's panchos out to dry.


I think nobody used our third bathroom once during the entire trip.


Here's Lily and the boys' room


And here's one final look at our menagerie off the deck.


Rocky likes droids on the bed.


And now it has turned out that Joe is running a fever. I knew that boy was sick. So there he sits back there in isolation while we all think back on our wonderfully fun week at Disney World.  What great traveling companions they were! What a trip we had!


Our final dinner was just like our first dinner here -- Indian food from the hotel restaurant.  Yum


And after a good night's sleep, off we go to Nashville, masked up once again. It took about 11 hours to get there and then, since it was still daylight, Bill drove on home to Memphis.

This was a great vacation!


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