Laura and Rob

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Laura and Rob and I went to Disneyland on October 24, 2004.  I’d been in Los Angeles to make a speech and I stayed an extra day just to play. So here are a few pictures of everybody having fun. This first picture was taken on the Tower of Terror ride in the new Disney California Adventure which has been built in the formerly huge parking lot just outside the gates of Disneyland.  The Tower of Terror ride is set in a haunted Twilight Zone 1920’s hotel with malfunctioning elevators.  Here’s a picture of Laura and Rob and me that was taken just as the elevator was in an “uncontrolled” fall:



Now as you can see in these close-up pictures, I was enjoying the free-fall experience:



And Laura was certainly having a good time:



But Rob?  I’m not so sure about Rob:



Anyway, we had a good time in both of the theme parks: Disneyland and Disney California Adventure.  I mean, sure, we just had a ball.  Here’s a picture of us on the California Screamin’ roller coaster:



Now once again, you can see that I was having a good time. Perhaps too much of a good time. That expression on my face is downright diabolical, I think:



There’s something definitely wrong with this man.

And Laura?  Well, apparently she’s not so sure this is a good idea, but she’s hanging in there:



And as for Rob?  Something tells me he’d rather be elsewhere:



He’s not barfing.  Really.  I promise.


Anyway, I think everybody had a good time.  Rob waited patiently a few times when Laura and I went on some of the more stomach-churning rides.  But we all liked things like Pirates of the Caribbean and the Jungle Cruise and the 3-D Bugs movie. And the hang-glider ride over California with the wind in our hair and the fragrance of pine forests and orange fields was a genuine treat. But I have to say we were all secretly relieved when the microphones stopped working during the Aladdin stage show and we could quietly and quickly sneak out the back of the theater without seeming rude. 



I had fun.  Laura had fun.  And Rob was a great sport.