So how are we ever going to get up to the fort? Elephants!
Oh boyoboy!
I want to ride a pretty one with a painted trunk and ears!
But first we have to go up there and wait our turn.
And to get up there, we have to run a gauntlet of trinket salesmen.
Will Matt buy a hat?
His resistance crumbled.
Here's Flash video showing what it was like. They were persistent, but not at all unpleasant.
There go Gerry and Tom.
David and Julia are settling in.
Stephanie and Lana
Liz and Eric
Off they go.
Would it be simpler just to walk?
Here comes Bill and Don's ride.
Looks friendly enough. She's wearing lots of makeup just for us.
When Bill climbed aboard, he looked down. That's not the elephant's trunk.
All aboard! Actually this picture is special. There were dozens of photographers lined up all over the place, shooting pictures of the tourists in hopes of selling prints when the rides ended. Bill thought it unlikely that anybody would take a picture he'd care anything about. But later, when he was just standing around minding his own business, a kid tugged at Bill's elbow, and look at what he had in his hand! A picture is worth a hundred rupees? You betcha.
And we're off!
So far, so good. And is our elephant not the most beautiful one of all? Of course she is.
And we're smiling!
We're closing in on a roadblock up ahead.
But not very fast.
We do have a nice view from on top of the elephant.
And a chance for some last-minute shopping!
That's Patty and Sam behind us.
And up ahead are Eric and Liz.
Out of the way, slowpokes!
A fast-talking salesman is still after Margaret and Margo.
Smile, Margo!
There you go.
Margaret looks a bit uncomfortable up there.
This is getting better and better.
Even the view is improving.
A slightly blurry Helen and Rudi. If only the elephant would hold still.
Now Margaret has the hang of this.
Eric, put down the camera!
We haven't seen your face the whole trip!
Much better!
Eric and Liz are having a great time!
Bill took a selfie. You think he's having a good time?
Tom and Gerry haven't fallen off yet.
We've all passed Eric and Liz.
Helen and Rudi seem to want to pass now. What a view we'd have if this weren't a hazy day.
Yep, here come Helen and Rudi, passing on the left.
And finally we enter the Amer Fort.
We're here! Wherever here is.
Now how are we going to get off these things?
Nah. There's an official getting-off place, with Davinder waiting for us.
Here comes the parade of tourists on elephants.
David and Julia are still aboard, anyway.
Look! It's Michael and Margaret!
Stephanie and Lana too!
This does get tricky, but everybody eventually made it off safely.
Even when there was a small traffic jam at the getting-off spot.
Ride's over, Bobby and Flory!
Flash video: There was even music to celebrate our arrival!