Road to Agra

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Our trip from Jaipur to Agra was  memorable for several reasons, chief among them: the weather.  Yuk, what a messy day it was.

Don't believe me?  Have a look at the view from the bus in this Flash video.  All those brick barrel-like structures at the beginning serve as protection from cattle for the little trees trying to grow inside.


People still congregate by the side of the road, but today they're soaked.


And muddy.


See the cow pies?  See those huts?  The huts are where the cow pie producers try to keep ttheir product dry.  I think it's not working today.


Is this where you'd want to go shopping for a lovely scarf?  Really?


How about over here?


The ceramic tile salesmen seem to be enjoying the cold rain.


I'd go inside where it's presumably warm and dry, but I guess that's just me.


On the other hand, if it's as hot and dry around here as they say it is most of the year, maybe today is a welcome respite for the natives.


I mean, I would never wear my best white outfit on a day like today, but maybe if I had an impressive mustache I'd want to show it to its best advantage.


A little rain and mud won't slow things down around here.


Those tuk-tuks have a different paint scheme.  Interesting.


The sign translates:  Garden-Statues-R-Us.


And there are plenty for sale around here.


OK, I have to ask...even if you really, really need to get from here to there, is this the way you really, really want to do it?


Business is slow at the outdoor cafes today.


I saw this a few times on the trip -- once right in the middle of Jaipur.  Really expanded my understanding of requirements for a public toilet.


Right about now a public toilet sounded like a good idea, and look!  A toilet the tourists might find a little more to their liking.


Davinder had promised to give us a turban-tying demonstration, and what better time and place than a rainy bus ride from Jaipur to Agra?  And who do you think he chose to be his model?  Listen to what Davinder is saying in the first part of this clip as he describes what he's about to do to Bill.


Careful, now.


Taking shape.


The finished product!


Perfect!  And Bill isn't feeling even a bit Sikh.


Take a picture, everybody.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion.


Now that is one goofy grin.  But Bill was having a great time!


Brick factories along the way.


These guys at least know enough to huddle inside.


Cows, though, seem not to mind the rain when there's a nice meal to be enjoyed.


Bill enjoyed this part of the trip, too.

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