OK, now we've come down from cold, rainy Montefioralle to cold, rainy Greve in Chianti.
Lots of cars but no people. Only tourists are dumb enough to stand around in the cold rain snapping pictures.
Nice place, Greve in Chianti. Now let's go into that butcher shop over there and see what they have to offer.
Ooh, wow. Meat.
Lots and lots of meat. Just feast your eyes on all that good old Tennessee Pride country ham.
Yes, that really is a wild boar. Apparently the meat is very popular in these parts where they let their pigs run wild in the forests. Just look at all the tusks in that big bowl. Poor guy has to stare at little pieces of himself all day and night.
Mmmmm pigmeat.
This butcher's block has been around since medieval times, right here in Greve. Is that a wild boar coming out the door over there? Maybe he was looking for somebody he knew. It was right about here that Cindy and Bill were discussing some large old knives hanging on the wall of the butcher shop and Giacomo the guide, ever ready to practice his English, heard us mention a cleaver. He interrupted and asked, "But I thought 'cleaver' means you are smart?" No, Giacomo, that's "kleh-ver." A "klee-ver" is a large knife used by butchers. "Cleaver doesn't mean smart?" "No, Giacomo, 'clever' means smart. "Cleaver means knife."
I think he never believed me.
Mmmm, cheese aging in the cellar. All for display, though. The real aging cellars are across town.
Giacomo leads Cindy down into a cellar in Greve in Chianti. This is where they sell Chianti in Chianti.