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Here are some relatively recent (1997) pictures of me and the nieces swimming in the Paint Rock.

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The girls loved the experience, and they just screamed with joy every time they saw one of natures little creatures sharing the water with them. 

Some times late at night I can still hear echoes of their delight bouncing among the hills.

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Hey Laura!  I think I see a water spider over there.!

As soon as they saw the spider they climbed right out of the water just so they could get a closer look.

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The nieces had asked me before the visit if there were any alligators in Alabama, and I'd had to break the sad news that even though we have them in the southern part of the state, no alligators live in the Paint Rock.

Sorry Elizabeth.


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But now they've discovered that we do have water moccasins, and they can't wait to come back for another swim.

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