On the Road

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We're driving out of Ankara, on our way to Bursa.  That's a memorial to Liberty over there.

This is a fancy shopping center.

Very fancy, and very big, and very modern

Very colorful half-finished housing.


They're seasonal laborers.  They come to work in the fields.

Turkish mommies.

There are beautiful mosques everywhere you look in Turkey.

And less-than-stylishly dressed women.

Now here are some stylishly dressed young people.  Those girls are wearing their school uniforms, as is the little boy in the background.  Mete saw me snap this picture, and he thought I was trying to get a shot of the older man.  He warned me against taking pictures of the fundamentalists, as they might throw things at the bus.  I assured him I wasn't interested in the old guy.

I really should stop taking pictures of half-completed apartment buildings, but they're just everywhere you look!

A Turkish 7-11.

Mete Also Says
Sometimes Turkish men hold hands and even kiss, but it's not what you think.

Traffic is awful in Bursa.

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