The Leather Place

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We put the sightseeing aside for a little while for a side trip to a leather shop.  I suspect these people do a nice business selling leather jackets to the tourists.  They were certainly ready for us.  While the tourists sipped on Turkish tea, the models did their thing on the runway ....

And then they chose people from the audience to participate.  Just look at Lavona modeling that red leather coat!  Has she done this kind of thing before?  She certainly was a natural. 

The fellow in the brown jacket appears to be insisting she get off the stage.

I'm embarrassed I don't have better pictures of this.  There's Scott from North Carolina and Wendy modeling some multi-hued leather garments.  They were having lots of fun and I was having lots of problems with my camera.  So I didn't get (or more likely I accidentally erased) video of all this.  Wendy looked great, though, let me tell you.

Now Scott is looking this way, but I'm still getting Wendy's back.  Her shoes glow nicely, though, don't you think?

There's Wendy in her leather outfit with the magic shoes.


Here's the outside of the tourist trap.

Arvalya.  That means "tourist trap" in Turkish.

Nice trap, though.  I didn't buy anything. 


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