In late July and early August, 2023, Lily, Joe, Rocky and Bill enjoyed a week in the heat at Walt Disney World and they had so much fun -- really, lots of fun -- that a few months later, one cold winter night in December, Bill's thoughts turned to fun in the sun and he remembered a comment he'd heard last summer: "Will we be able to see Harry Potter when we're there?" His response back then was, "Maybe some other time," and now he was cold and bored and he was wondering what better time there would ever be? So he talked to Lily and she did a little investigating and discovered that her school and Joe's school and Rocky's school would all have their spring breaks on the same week in March. The trip was a go!
So here we are again, all four of us back in Florida, ready to ride the rides and walk the parks and laugh and play and have another terrific time. Isn't it great that Bill never grew up? And another thing before I forget. Last year through sheer luck I found a vacation planner online: Stephanie Perlick of the Vacationeer, a travel service that specializes in all things Disney. Well it turned out she also specializes in all things Universal, so I called on her once again for expert advice in planning the trip. As always she was full of helpful tips and she even managed to get us a special deal: an extra day in the parks at no extra cost! If you're ever planning a trip to Universal Studios Orlando, or Disney World or a number of other fun places to vacation, you can't do better than taking advice from Stephanie. Here's her contact information: Now click on the links above and come along with us for another Orlando adventure! |