Part the Third
The Archbishop was greatly impressed with the fellow's bell-ringing skill, and he offered the position. The young man accepted and the Archbishop began to fill out some paperwork. He said, "Now what is your name?" The fellow replied, "I cannot tell you.” The Archbishop was astounded at the young man’s impertinence, but he stifled his irritation and politely inquired, “So how can I hire you if I don’t know your name?” The young job applicant paused for a moment, and then offered this compromise: “I will reveal my name to the bell." Now this seemed somewhat unusual to the Archbishop,
but he needed a bell ringer, so he nodded his approval. The young man
leaned toward the bell, cupped his hands around his mouth, and whispered
something unintelligible. The Archbishop, wondering if he was making a
mistake, left the young man to his work. Fortunately things appeared to work out. For weeks the skies above the city were filled with the most glorious tones imaginable, until one day -- quite by accident -- the young man took four fateful backward paces, fell out the side of the belfry, and plunged to his death upon the pavement below. A crowd gathered ‘round; a policeman came; the Archbishop padded out to see what was the commotion. Looking up, the policeman asked, "Do you know this man’s name?" And the Archbishop replied …. . (scroll down)
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Nooooo.... He tolled the bell.