Party preparations being assembled. Can you guess the
party theme?

More clues to the theme. Maybe a close up shall reveal
the primary theme.

Arghh…tis’ pirates to expect at this here party.

Preparing for the guests with party favors awaiting their

Here we see the difference in clothing between the
‘haves’ and ‘have not’ pirates! The throw ring behind
Shelley and Patty says it all – Now We’re Ready…to party!

These be better known as
‘tropical’ pirates –Shelley and Michael.

Steve is a pirate not to be messed with – and he has
brought his own flask of rum!

Fair Erin can be enticing, but beware of what might be
found in her belt, boots and under the hat!

Fair ladies abound on this vessel this day. Fair and

Another variation of the tropical pirate couple – Cynde
and Mark

Does make you wonder how the two tropical pirate ladies
lost an eye? Did you notice that both wore eye patches?

Hmmm…do you think Joyce is another member of the tropical
pirate clan?

Argh, what every pirate party must have – treasure cake,
rum to sample, and pirate pops!

Pirate Haileigh sports pirate hat and candy mustache! The
party theme was in celebration of her grandma’s 60th
birthday…and Haileigh’s upcoming birthday.

Birthday girl, Peggy, offers some wisdom to son Chris and
Captain Michael.

Close up of the pirate pops…almost too pretty to eat.
Argh, but we be pirates and so very quickly, Cynde was off
with this scoundrel’s head!

Chris carefully takes in the party and keeps close by the
booty of beer.

Don’t let that smile fool you! Jean is grinning because
she is sitting on cooler of beer.

The party games were challenging to all guests as evident
by Joyce’s expression.

Steve and Erin found their own music to dance to under
the canopy of the houseboat.

Night falls and the pirates party on…and now with a game
of password.

A birthday party is not complete without birthday cake,
candles and wishes!

Well blow us down, the birthday girls blew out the
candles! No walking the plank on this day!