Seine Stroll

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After we returned from the trip to Mt. St. Michel, I still felt like seeing a bit of the city.  So I walked from the Louvre all the way to the Eiffel Tower -- not a short hike.

Like the park below Sacré-Coeur, the Tuileries seems to close at dusk.  There's the Eiffel Tower off in the distance, blazing away with its sparkly lights.

There was also a Ferris wheel right there near the Louvre, part of a small amusement park on the edge of the Tuileries.

Now I've walked down on the quay along the Seine.  That's the Orsay Museum over there on the left, and once again, the Eiffel Tower in the background.

Claire de Lune

The City of Lights

A tour boat approaching

I could see the Tower in the distance, so I just kept walking toward it.  But as I got close, the tower disappeared behind buildings, and I found myself on some semi-deserted streets.  But right in front of me was a family -- husband, wife and two small children.  They looked as lost as I felt.  And then the mother spotted me and in her best high school French she began asking me something about the Tower.  I said,  "Ma'am, your lovely French is wasted on me.  But <pointing> I think that tower is over yonder somewhere."

"Oh, you speak English!"


Well, it was over yonder somewhere.  And it was a wonder to behold.

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