
The Condo Haleakala Winery Luau Road to Hana Lahaina Whales Iao Valley
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We took a little detour on the way down the mountain from Haleakala.

On Maui you got your big volcanoes and then you got your little volcanoes.


See?  A little volcano.


Here's the reason for our detour:  Tedeschi Vineyards.  This is the site of an old Hawaiian plantation.  The main house burned some time ago, leaving only this small guest house, built in 1874, to serve as the winery's visitor center.  And for whom was the guest house built, you ask?  King Kalakaua, Hawaii's "Merrie Monarch."  You can read about the history of the place by clicking here.


Here's the winery's tasting room.  One of their wines, made from pineapple, actually tastes pretty good!


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