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Bill had a nice seat next to the window on the side of the plane facing Honolulu, so he couldn't resist taking a few final pictures of the place.


Is that Waikiki down there?


I do believe it is.


That pink hotel just the the left of center is the Royal Hawaiian!


See it?


And the Alohilani has to be in there somewhere.




But which one? Oh, there it is. See the green roof of the church that was visible from Bill's room? Well that's got to be the Alohilani just this side of the green roof.


That's Diamond Head!


And there's Turtle Island!  I think.


Could be.


And now, about five hours later, there's fog over the Pacific off the California shore.


Getting close to LA.  See the PCH? That's Pacific Coast Highway for all of you who don't have nieces who attended Pepperdine University and taught you how to talk like a native.


Lotsa farmland down there. 


And a football stadium.


Now we're on the final leg of our flights.  See that head with the unnaturally colored hair up front?  That turned out to be Priscilla Presley on her way to Memphis for a showing of the new movie ELVIS by Baz Luhrman and starring Tom Hanks. It was invitation-only.  I'll bet we missed our invitations because we've been in Hawaii.


It's a blurry picture of Memphis from the air!  See the blurry purple bridge?


There.  Now it looks more like Priscilla.  And I'm pretty sure that's Elvis's granddaughter too.


Priscilla Presley.  I flew with a celebrity.  What an interesting end to a fantastic trip!


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