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London and
Paris 2004


2004 and 2005

Portugal 2003

Italy 2003


The Mother's Day Mole Incident

Al in Africa

at the
White House


The Turkey Trip



The Glorious Bell of San Giovanni


Centennial of
Flight 2003


Hill Family Reunion


USS Santa Fe
60th Birthday in New York

Vaderdelphia 2008

Obama Inauguration 2009

Italy 2010

Yosemite 2011

Florida 2011

Great Memphis Tour 2011

Coming Soon!

Hawaii 2012

Bill Anderson
Washington, DC

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Life on the Paint Rock

outside1_t.jpg (13784 bytes) Welcome to a pictorial tour of what used to be my back yard.  My name is Bill Anderson, and until recently I made my home in the Paint Rock River Valley near New Hope, Alabama.  swimmin1_t.jpg (9369 bytes)I wouldn't claim that life was perfect here, but I will say that it leaned a little in that direction.  My house sat on about three acres of land, with boatin4_t.jpg (12289 bytes)180' of riverfront access.  It was almost like living in a state park; the road was a cul-de-sac and other than my neighbors, about the only traffic I saw was people driving slowly and enjoying the scenery.  I wish you deck2_t.jpg (13069 bytes)could visit the valley, but if you can't drive by yourself, maybe you'll enjoy these pictures.  Just click on any of them to see related, larger photos I took during the 19 years I lived there.  party1_t.jpg (11473 bytes)I've grouped the pictures by subject: the house, swimmin', boatin' & fishin', sunnin' on the deck, partyin', and floodin'.  (Yes, almost every spring, the Paint Rock would remind us who was boss around there, and we got treated to a much better view of the water than we'dflood4_t.jpg (13922 bytes) have preferred.)   So there you are -- if you can't go to North Alabama in person, at least you can get a feel for the beauty of the place by visiting this website.  Enjoy!