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The Spacemobile (AESP) project has undergone many changes over the past half-century, but it's still serving NASA as one of the Agency's premier education programs.  Oklahoma State University, among others, ran the program under contract to NASA for many years, and I'd say the bulk of current and former Spacemobilers worked for OSU at one time or another.  Currently Penn State University is running the program.  Penn State and OSU did a great job of working together to bring off this very nice anniversary celebration.


Bill didn't get many pictures at the reunion -- just these first three.  The rest are photos taken during the by a professional photographer.

That's Ben Casados studying the evening's PowerPoint slides while Jack Bannister is distracted from his dessert.


There's Minot Parker entertaining the crowd with stories of the old days.  Minot was working for the Spacemobile program while Bill was still in high school.


There's Gordon Eskridge, Jack Bannister, and Pat Biggs.  And that's enough pictures from Bill's iPhone.  The rest came from the professional photographer.


Angelo Casaburri


Jack Bannister


Bill Anderson


Bill Anderson doesn't need any more food


Birthday cake


Marge Marcy (Lehky) and Beth Ann White (from Dryden)


Cindy McArthur, Jim Stofan, Ed Pritchard, Michele Ferebee, Larry Bilbrough


Ed Pritchard and Michele Ferebee


Frank Owens and Larry Bilbrough


Frank Owens


Goofy Group Photo


Formal Group Photo


Les Gold and Susan Kohler


Minot Parker


Pat Biggs, Debbie Biggs, and Susanne Kinnison (Goddard)


Peggy Maher, director of AESP at Penn State and Steve Marks, former director at Oklahoma State.

Rick Varner (Goddard)


Mike McGlone (Penn State AESP specialist) and Steve Marks


Steve Marks


Jim Stofan


The Whole Room


More of the Whole Room


The Whole Room Dispersing


John Lowerison and Wil Robertson



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