
Arrival Sightseeing USS Arizona Pineapples Waikiki More Sightseeing
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We stayed in some pretty nice places on the trip.

Doug is over here so much that he can get some excellent deals at the better hotels. 


The Princess Kaiulani is just across the street from Waikiki Beach.


Bonnie likes the view.


In the daytime too!


If it hadn't been for that big hotel tower, we could have seen Diamond Head from our rooms.


Still, the view is pretty impressive.


Bill is wondering what he's doing up here when he could be down there on the beach.


A problem easily solved.


Some people think a trip to Hawaii is not complete unless you learn to hula.


Here's a nice little city park along the beach.  We'll come back at sunset.


But first let's have a cheeseburger in paradise.


Nothing like a good cheeseburger for dinner.


These Japanese tourists asked us to take their picture with their dinners, and so we did. Hawaiian cheeseburgers need umbrellas for some reason.


Ahh, sunset.


That ugly dredging vessel seemed always to be in the way.


Back at the little park now.  That banyan tree is really creepy in the dark.


But the birds seem to like it.


That's a statue of Hawaii's most famous dead surfer, Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku.  Mostly people just call him Duke.  He won gold for the US Swimming Team in the 1912 Olympics and he finished the 100 meters with a silver medal during the 1924 Olympics in Paris, with the gold going to Johnny Weissmuller.  He also did a great deal to promote the sport of surfing.


Enjoying the sunset.


Now we're in the gardens at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.


The evenings at Waikiki are very pleasant.  Just wander around and who knows?...You may run into a hula dancer.


Just look at those lovely hula hands.


Bonnie the beach at Waikiki is practically paradise.


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