Photo 104

Photo 105
On this date, morning and early afternoon have
been spent finishing the engine work that was started yesterday with
the replacement of the starboard coupler. To replace this part, it was first
necessary to unhook wires and cables from the engine and then to
lift the engine up using an A-frame. Everything was reversed
once the new coupler was in place…and now, good to go...sorta…(Photos
#104 and 105)

Photo 110
Issues still remain to be resolved related to what
appears to be the electronic controls for the starboard side.
These controls send signals from the helm to the back of the
boat, telling the motors and outdrive what to do (e.g., start, stop,
shift, etc). Specifically, the message to ‘shift’ is not being sent
or received from the starboard side, thereby keeping this side in
neutral. Not a good thing. The Captain and Walton,
mechanic, continue to work on this issue and a call has gone out to
individual known as the ‘Electronic Wiz’ to come and do his magic.
(Photo #110)

Photo 113
Photo 114
Other news to report from around the Marina
Boaters are such friendly people…or perhaps we
have just spent TOO much time in DC and are easily overwhelmed by
the openness and interest being expressed towards us while
‘stationed’ here at Riverside Marina (Fort Pierce, FL). We
have been taken in like stray cats by those who ‘live’ here at the
Marina on their sailboats, catamarans and some other forms of
‘floatation’ that we are not exactly sure how to categorize!
(Photos #113 and 114 )
Photo 109
Lunch boat

Sixty-eight feet of deck to be swabbed before the
evening gathering…now where IS that First Mate when you need him?
