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London Bus Ride The Tower of London Walking in the Rain Greenwich

We landed at Heathrow in London on the morning of October 13, rode a train from the airport to Paddington Station, took a taxi to our hotel, the Post House Kensington, found our rooms and promptly fell asleep for much of the day.  Sleeping felt good, but it may have been a mistake.  It took me, at least, several days to overcome jet lag.  I was ready to go at 3:00 a.m., but I was ready for bed around dinner time.  Same old story.  I never seem to adjust very well.

Big Ben.  Needed a picture here to represent London.


Lyn spotted an "Internet Cafe" just a short distance from our hotel, and Bill used it for a bit of E-mail, and a bit of entertainment, too.  The terminals had little cameras attached, so ....


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