Aug 15, 2009
Florida to DC 2009 Cruise 5-14-11 Cruise 6-9-12 Peg's B'day 2012 Repairs Cruise 5-18-13 Cruise 11-2-13

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From: Anderson, Bill
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 11:37 PM
To: Canright, Shelley
Subject: RE: PHOTO: Coast Guard Escort with BIG Guns!

Nice!   More ....

From: Canright, Shelley
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 6:21 AM
To: Anderson, Bill
Subject: RE: PHOTO: Coast Guard Escort with BIG Guns!

You ARE an addict, friend!  :-)

More is coming....

From: Canright, Shelley
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 8:47 AM
To: Anderson, Bill
Subject: Re: PHOTO: Coast Guard Escort with BIG Guns

SWEET SWEET it is! We just crossed over into the South Carolina waters at 8:25am.  We have Georgia behind us and Hilton Head Island in front of us. We shall gas up at HH -- gulp, gulp...

Hmmmm...scratching my head as I look at the map and shape of 'the island'. Wondering how this FOOT-shaped island came to be called Hilton HEAD. For real estate and tourism reasons it's even broken up into distinct toe, instep, heel, and ankle sections, so would someone please explain?

Hilton Foot Island

First mate does a little Googling and comes up with this from Wikipedia:

In 1663, Captain William Hilton sailed on the Adenture from Barbados to explore lands granted by King Charles II of England to the eight Lords Proprietor. In his travels, he identified a headland near the entrance to Port Royal Sound. He named it "Hilton's Head" after himself. He stayed for several days, making note of the trees, crops, "sweet water" and "clear sweet air"


From: Canright, Shelley
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:06 AM
To: Anderson, Bill
Subject: Re: PHOTO: Coast Guard Escort with BIG Guns!

You are FAST with the updates, First Mate! So noted in the Admiral's Log and for future leave and time off award.

At this moment, we are nearing the point where we shall pull into marina on Hilton Head Island for gas.  Send money (mom or dad)!



This trip is full of so much and taking in so much of one's surroundings.  One of the things that has struck me is the different types of water vessels and the different fields of work that occur on the water.  As a 'wrap up' to this week on the water, I share a few of those different vessels.  Can you guess the sort of work...or play done on each of them?

We are shortly off from the pier to head towards South Carolina.  We are having our fix of coffee at the moment and awaiting for first light.  Dear Carolina, we are coming...

African Queen


Miami Pirate Boat


A Tug in the Back


Baltimore Boat


House Boat (Maybe)


Buckshot Bay Lunch Wagon


Turnaround in the Marina


Big Boat


Tugs Along the Way


Fishing Boat


US Coast Guard Gun Boat

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