From: Canright,
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 7:58 AM
Subject: Georgia on my mind!
Departed into the fog
this morning, but this was quickly dissipated once the sun
came out and burned things off. Close to 7am, we departed
from the Amelia Island Yacht Basin with 'Georgia On Our
45-minutes into our paddlin'''', we have sighted....now
passed the marker that indicates we are now within the GA
portion of the intracoastal waterway (ICW).
The entire GA portion
of the ICW appears to be approx 140-miles. Thus, if we
continue to cover a distance of 120-miles...we shall be
putting most of GA behind us.
HOWEVER, as Captain Rob
would caution...don't get too much in front of things. Take
things mile by mile. Good point, plus that would get us too
far ahead in this little story...
- The Admiral
From: Canright,
Shelley (HQ-NE060)
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 9:36 AM
Subject: Coast Guard Escort with BIG Guns!
YIKES...how about this
for the next chapter of the 'Now We're Ready' saga:
Moments after that last
transmission there was a barrage of chatter coming across
the radio. The chatter was being directed at us!
In front of us sat a
big ship, motionless...hmmm...was this fellow calling
us...might there be some distress? Immediately after this
fleeting thought, it became apparent that the big fellow was
NOT in distress, but was being held. Hmmm..wonder why? The
channel seemed to be blocked from us entering..
YIKES...small orange
craft off our port with flashing blue lights ...Coast Guard
Gun Ship (25-ft)...small, but mighty. THIS fellow was
equipped with two M-60 machine guns, fore and aft. Across
the air waves, we got a call asking what were our

Photo 216
What was going on and
why all this excitement? We responded where we were
headed...and immediately were told to power down. As we did
so, the Coast Guard boat began to speed towards us. We were
being sized up via binoculars...as we were likewise sizing
up them.
Dare we take pictures
of this? Oh...Bill would be SO disappointed if this moment
passed and no pictures taken. Hmmm...if I am seen taking a
picture, will the camera and us be impounded? What WAS
From the radio, we were
informed that we were to be given a Coast Guard escort.
Guess they must have checked out who was the Admiral of this
vessel and thus deemed such escort necessary. NOT!
Actually, the truth of
this story is that we were within range of the Kings Bay
Submarine Facility. This is where Trident (LA) class
submarines are refitted. The Coasties informed us that they
were 'practicing' boat harbor security. Translation: About
to bring out big, secret sub!
All traffic was to be
stopped, per orders. However, after a few minutes of silence
from the radio, we were informed that the Coasties were
coming alongside us. We wondered whether this meant a
boarding was to take place...and I worried that I had been
seen taking pictures and that was the reason for this
Sigh of relief....no
boarding...just riding alongside of us, portside. They were
between us and 'the facility'. They were a little more than
daunting this close with guns gleaming in sunshine. Dare I
wave, smile, salute them. Double dare...should I send
Captain Michael to lower level with camera to get a 'secret
shot' from below? Could the Admiral and Captain Rob keep
their eyes on us, top side?
NOW joining this little
party came a helicopter overhead...obviously ALSO with guns.
I looked back at our 68-ft party deck and wondered for an
instance whether a helicopter could actually land on this
vessel. Sigh of relief...no 'H' (helicopter marking for
landing pad) on THIS party deck, so we felt 'confident' that
this fellow was simply checkin' us out from above.
Minutes seemed to
slowly pass and it seemed that we were not to easily shake
this escort. How much farther and longer would we have such
'company'? Ahhh...they begin to drop speed and have fallen
back. We are IN the clear...full speed ahead. Well, maybe
not just yet. Seems we have simply been handed off to yet
another escort.
Our second escort is
simply ensuring our 'safe' passage to the correct channel
markers of the ICW and not to be confused with 'other'
markers that might take us someplace where we are not to go.
No scenic detours for us!
We take some pictures
of the 'facility' as we look back and one last picture of
our escorts as we leave this chapter behind us.
Ahead of us...who
knows? We can expect a little rain as we look to the
horizon. But you know what they say....one must have a
little rain to clean the air and bring forth sunshine and
new possibilities.
Let this adventure
Ahoy mates!
From: Jackson,
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 9:37 AM
Subject: RE: Coast Guard Escort with BIG Guns!
After reading your
update, I have only one thing to say.
COOL! :-)
From: Canright,
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 10:09 PM
Subject: PHOTO: Coast Guard Escort with BIG Guns!
We have arrived safely
this evening to Savannah, GA. I could not think of sleep
until photos were downloaded and I had sent at least one to
go along with the morning adventure that we had with the 'Coasties'.
Here it is! (Photo #216)