We Have Appliances

The Old Kitchen The Demo The Cabinets Arrive Getting Granite We Have Appliances Putting it All Together Ta Daaaa! Breaking It In

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They were all supposed to arrive at once, but they didn't.  All that showed up were the garbage disposal, the dishwasher and the refrigerator.  Where were the range, the microwave, and the fancy faucet?  Ummm...the delivery guys didn't know.  So I called Lowe's and got a promise that the rest would be delivered in a couple of days.  They just ... forgot some stuff.

For a while I had dueling refrigerators in the living room.

What a magnificent appliance.  All my adult life, for one reason or another, my refrigerators have been little things. This time I wanted a big one.

Ta Daaaa!  When it opens the halogen light doesn't just come on, it ... rises.  Very dramatic.  I keep expecting to hear music and see the Rockettes.

Garbage disposal and dishwasher still in the box.  The guys who delivered didn't open the boxes.

So a day later when I opened the box, I noticed something peculiar.  Is that a wrinkle in the door?

I'll say it is.  The door has been practically wrenched off its hinges.

This thing's gotta go back to Lowe's.  And since Lowe's couldn't get me a new one right away, I had Bray and Scarff deliver one two days later.  Now we're right back on schedule.

And a few days later when Lowe's delivered the rest of what they were supposed to have delivered originally, they took the dishwasher back.

The microwave/convection oven.

And the range.  Looking good.  No dents here.

The living room was completely redecorated.  Like it?

But eventually we got it all cleared out.


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